Parent Quotes (About Klaras Children's Center ECI):
"They show there is hope for children. It relieves my pressure knowing they help me."
"They encouraged me to go back to school and even helped me enroll in the classes. Now I can make something of myself for my son."
" When my child got kicked out of child care, they helped me find a new one and showed the people at the child care how to deal with my son."
" I am so grateful for our relationship with KCC ECI. They have grown to be a part of our family. I will never forget them."
"It helps more than you know to have someone tell you that you're doing good with your baby." "The most valuable part is the information given from staff on how to deal with areas of particular concern with an autistic child."
"It's simple. They know where to go and who to see for any of your needs."

"I am a full-time mother and housewife. It works out perfectly for me to have them come to my home. They always give us examples of how to deal with her behavior, speech, and learning."
"They help us learn parenting skills that are individually suited to our child. This is valuable. All people should be so lucky."
"The most valuable part is service coordination, getting my son what he needs and to the doctor he needs to see."
"We have learned and grown as parents because of the Klaras Children's Center ECI."
"They are interested in our whole family, making sure we get what we need."
"...My son has many problems. My husband had a hard time accepting that Benjamin is not like other children his age. I felt so responsible and that if I just took him to enough therapy sessions, he'd get better. But every time we even got near the clinic door, Benny would scream to the top of his lungs. The physical therapist suggested that coming more often would help Benny get used to being in a strange situation faster. I started bringing him three times a week for PT and also twice a week for speech therapy. Benny spent all five times screaming. Then one of the therapists suggested we call the Klaras Center ECI. They see the kids at home, so maybe Benjamin could handle this better. From the first time my Klaras team came out, I felt I had found the answer. Not only did Benny not scream, but the people from Klaras showed me things I could do with my son that would help him walk and talk. Now I feel like I'm helping Benny all the time. He's getting better through everything we do everyday like kicking his legs in the bathtub and telling me with pictures what he wants for lunch. And the best part, my husband has talked to the counselor from Klaras and he feels like we're all going to be okay..."
"...Klaras made me feel I was the one who could help my child. I had always dreamed of being a mother and when Kayla was born with all her problems, I felt so defeated, like I would never be able to care for her like the doctors and therapists in the hospital. But the staff at Klaras Center showed me how what we did with Kayla at home helped her learn what she needed to learn. They pointed out the positives in what I did where all I saw were negatives. They gave me good ideas and showed me some things to try. I was finally able to reach my dream. I am Kayla's mom, and what I can do for her is most important..."
"...When the Klaras Center team first came out to meet with Paul, his dad, and me, I was so upset. I felt like such a failure. Paul did so many strange things and my family acted like it was something I did wrong--that he wouldn't eat anything but stage one baby food even though he was almost two because I didn't cook good enough or because I didn't make him try new foods. They said he wouldn't look at me because I wasn't strict enough on him and he wouldn't wear his shoes because I didn't force the issue early on. I was a nervous wreck and I figured the professionals would blame me, too. But that's not what happened at all. The Klaras people came into my house, sat down with us, asked about our concerns and how things went during our day. They were truly interested in our family and we all worked together to figure out ways we could help Paul get better. They also offered some explanations as to why Paul did some of the things he did which helped me talk to my family about it. I don't feel like everything is my fault now and Paul is so much better. Just the other day, I caught myself thinking I'm a good mom. I can just hear my early intervention specialist clapping for me..."
"...It may sound strange to you, but the thing I really wanted to be able to do was take my child to the grocery store with me. I'm a single parent and I'm young so I live with my parents. They really have supported me and Jacob and don't make me get a job to support myself or my son. But they do want me to help out with chores like getting groceries. Jacob was born with a metabolic problem that affects his speech and his behavior. He's kind of wild and doesn't like to have to sit still. My early intervention specialist says he has good gross motor and boy does he ever--all over the H-E-B. He won't ride in the cart and yells if I grab his hand. I feel like such a bad mom when all those old ladies in the store look at me. When I told Klaras Center that I wanted to be able to survive the grocery store with Jacob, they didn't even laugh. It's like they totally understood, and they even went with me. My mom told them they were some brave ladies to do that! They showed me how to get Jacob to cooperate better and now I feel like the grocery store is so fun. Of course, all my friends think I'm so weird, but that's okay. Jacob is doing great and he even says "Mama" now..."
"...My child had been kicked out of six child cares so far and he was only two. I was running out of options. I had missed so much work, I just knew I would be fired. The lady at the last child care was not the nicest lady in the world when she described what Tobey had done to a classmate, but she did tell me about Klaras Children's Center ECI. I'm grateful to her for that. Tobey was out of control and would hit for what seemed like no good reason, but the folks at the Klaras Center helped me look at his behavior in a different light. Tobey wasn't a mean or bad kid, he was just overly sensitive and over-reacted to what most kids paid no attention to. They taught me some rubbing exercises to do with him to calm him down, and also taught the teachers at child care number seven to use these exercises to get him to not hit the other children. They helped me come up with a picture system to use to prepare Tobey for what comes next in his day--at home and at child care. Tobey seems so much happier. He's using his words more now that he's calmer and his teacher at this new child care really likes him..."
Therapist Quotes (About ECI)
"...I've worked in rehab for years and enjoyed it, really, but I must admit I sometimes felt ineffective--like the hour or two or even three that I spent with a patient every week was just a 'drop in the bucket.' Since coming to work with you all in ECI, I realize how much power remains untapped when the family is excluded from services. You know, that's what I did all those years--left them out. I now know that by empowering the family and by helping them realize what they already do is beneficial, and by helping them find other everyday activities that are beneficial, the child gets therapy potentially all day long. I can't believe something so simple, natural, and effective eluded me for so many years..."
"...I used to pride myself on being able to get kids to do what they needed to do--follow two-level directions, point to pictures, use sentences, whatever. But since I met Sean and his mother, I've re-evaluated my role as a therapist. Sean was a two-year-old whose reputation preceded him. He wouldn't--or couldn't--do anything, and his mother was understandably upset about it. On the day I met Sean, I set out to get him to perform like he'd never performed before. I took such pride in being able to do this. And, indeed, Sean performed. But when I looked into his mother's eyes expecting to see joy and relief, I saw instead tears of despair. You see, a total stranger had gotten her child to do in 15 minutes what she hadn't been able to get him to do in his entire life time. The only pride I took that day was his mother's, and I never wanted to do anything like that again..."
"...Feeding is so much about bonding. A mother gives life to her child, having fed that baby from inside her own body. Once the baby is born, that need to keep feeding and nourishing is strong. She wants to be the one to feed her child if not from her breast, from a bottle she holds as she cuddles her child. When this bonding process is interrupted by disabilities that affect a baby's ability to coordinate breathing, sucking, and swallowing, that mother can feel her very essence as a mother is jeopardized. Helping young children with disabilities has to be done in such a sensitive way. It's not just about the therapist getting that child to eat successfully. It's about the therapist supporting the parent-infant bond and doing whatever it takes to enable the mother to experience the joy and power of feeding her baby herself. In ECI, I have grown so much as a therapist and as a person, celebrating the competency of the families I serve..."