For Doctors
"What's unique about the Klaras Children's Center ECI?"
"Why not send my patients for traditional therapy services?"
The Klaras Children's Center ECI truly is unique. Klaras Children's Center ECI (KCC ECI) serves children/families through a team approach that enables families/caregivers to come together with providers from all disciplines (all needed therapies included) to focus on ways the child can reach the goals set by the family throughout the course of their everyday life.
It is a different philosophy and one that enables a child, as one ECI mom put it, "to receive his services in the same world in which he lives and grows--not a segregated, clinical world, but the world in which he belongs, the one he shares with his family and with the others who love him."
The Klaras Children's Center ECI serves families of children birth to third birthday who:
- Are lagging behind peers on developmental milestones such as walking and talking.
- Have a medical diagnosis associated with developmental problems.

For more information, please contact us at 254-297-7089, or toll-free at 866-752-3451. We would be happy to come meet with you and your staff at any time to explain more about what our program has to offer, and what we can do for you and your youngest patients/families in need.
If you, or the parents, have any concerns about a child that is birth to third birthday, please refer that child today. There's absolutely no reason to wait, and there's every reason to refer immediately. All screenings and evaluations done by the Klaras Children's Center ECI are free of charge to everyone. It may just be the best gift you've ever given to a particular child/family. Especially when atypical behaviors are present, earlier really is better in terms of treatment success for a lifetime. (Please see the Behavior Checklist on this website.) Please refer these children to us today, so that we can assess for conditions requiring immediate intervention when time truly is of the essence.
If you have developmental and/or behavioral concerns about any of your patients who are birth to third birthday, and who live in McLennan, Hill, Bosque, Limestone, Falls, or Freestone County, in the state of Texas, please do not hesitate to refer them to Klaras Children's Center ECI (KCC ECI) by calling:
(254) 297-7089 or toll-free at 1-866-752-3451
or fax us at 254-296-2932.
TO GET CONTACT INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER ECI PROGRAM IN TEXAS, CALL 1-877-787-8999, select a language, and then select Option 3.
Klaras Children's Center ECI operates with an open referral policy, meaning anyone can refer a child/family. Most referrals do, however, come by way of the medical community.
Although families can make a referral themselves to Klaras Children's Center ECI, the call is too hard to make for some families. PLEASE make the call for them. Klaras Children's Center ECI has brochures, especially for health care providers, other brochures, and posters, etc., available upon request for providers in the Central Texas area. Please call 297-7089 or 297-7088, or toll-free at 1-866-752-3451 to request yours today.